Wednesday, June 30, 2010

END year 1 sem 1

i am done.
with archi sem 1

handed in my last piece o hw (10 sketches) this afternoon.
it was a total FAILURE.
i did not try at all.
but i didn't care, i just want to END IT.

will work harder next sem =)
*praying to pass all my subs*

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

culture project 2—tempietto san pietro

ok, so maybe i'm p***ed off about this project.
i don't understand why there was only one member present at 11am for the 9am meeting
or how some people could go off/ didn’t appear at all when the only girl in the group worked on the model till 1am (yes i'm biased about the girl/boy thing, so what?)
or letting 2 people who was buried under hw spend one saturday fixing the model for photo-shooting


*calming down*


thanks to my group members for a "not bad" project =)
teik, afif, weng, michael, tommy, rick, feridson and ali..
i appreciate the effort you put in.

although credit for the project & model belongs to all
i claim 60% of the rights to the final pics (teik and adnan can share 40% XP)
not tht they'r any good =.="

base-- weng & teik
project2 033 
columns-- master afif (superb crafting!)
project2 052 
entablature + railing-- mine^^ (only pic o me for d whole process ><)
project2 047 
inner walls-- tommy
project2 023 
dome-- teik
project2 035

top statue + cross-- feridson, teik

courtyard walls-- rick
project2 025 
last min touch-ups-- michael, teik and i project2 087

project2 038
90% of this was remade-- due to miscalculations and the wind *my model flew away, teacher. no, it's true! seriously=.=”)

final pics 020 

final pics 030
night view

"in heaven" view

final pics 139

final pics 205
"sister" model-- hagia sofia

took this with one hand holding cammy and the other holding an A2 black board
oh and that's an old projector btw XD







signing off to do homework~~

redang @ 0505-050710

a very LATE post abt redang..
so i guess let's just let it b a picture review =)
forgot all abt cammy till d end o day2 though ><


 new 004
d sunrise we saw on the bus.

new 143 
gosh was i stiff after d midnight bus ride..

no pics o snorkeling but you can imagine how it would be 
new 123
clear blue water/sky
fishes and corals just under your feet
drinking gallons o salt water
and fighting d current
i'd b back for more.

new 028
the site survey


new 065
the midnight walk on the beach.
the feeling o walking in semi-darkness with the
sea on one side, friends on the other
sand under my feet and starry sky over my head.

and then there's the sunrise we got up at 530am to see.
guess wht? it finally rose at 730am =.="

new 099

of course
not forgetting
new 109
my beloved
as always ;)

one last look at where we spent
new 120
a whole 30 hours sketching
most o d time in between playing beach volley
swimming in d sea
walking on d beach
getting to know more about my coursemates o (then) 2 months
and best of all
a breather of one night from all things architecture.




attempt 1

attempt at reviving dying blog.

saw this slogan on a guy's Tshirt:
student + dying
= studying
not bad XP

this week study week
gnna get down to work!
been letting deadlines and late submissions rule my life.

tht's not good.. not good at all >=(
i really dont want to fail any subjects..